
PGA Foot & Ankle P.A.
E. Charisse Dunn, D.P.M.
Foot and Ankle Surgeon & Podiatrist located in Palm Beach Gardens, FL
If you keep checking your shoe to see if there is a pebble in it, only to find it empty, you might have a condition that affects a nerve in the ball of your foot called a neuroma. Podiatrist and Foot and Ankle Surgeon Dr. E. Charisse Dunn, has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating neuromas at her practice in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. To learn more about treating your neuromas, call or go online to book an appointment at PGA Foot & Ankle P.A.
Neuromas Q & A
What is a neuroma?
A neuroma in your foot is a Morton’s neuroma, which is a painful condition that affects a nerve in the ball of your foot. A neuroma occurs when tissue thickens around a nerve that extends along the bottom of your foot to your toes, in effect pinching it. Most Morton’s neuromas are located between your third and fourth toes.
What are the symptoms of a neuroma?
Since a neuroma affects a nerve in your foot, the symptoms can range from odd sensations to outright pain, depending on the degree of interference of your nerve. If you have a Morton’s neuroma, you may experience some of the following:
- A sensation of standing on a pebble or a sock that’s bunched up
- A burning pain in the ball of your foot that may extend to your toes
- Numbness or tingling that may also extend to your toes
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms for longer than two days, make an appointment with Dr. Dunn for an evaluation and to get started on treatment.
What are the causes of Morton’s neuroma?
A Morton’s neuroma is caused by an irritation of the nerve in your foot, which can be brought about in several ways, including:
- Wearing high heels that put excess pressure in the ball of your foot
- High impact activities or sports that put pressure on the top of your foot
- Foot deformities, such as bunions, hammertoes, and high or low arches
How is a neuroma treated?
After diagnosing a neuroma, Dr. Charisse Dunn recommends a progressive treatment that starts conservatively with inserts, supports, and changing your shoes to ones with wider toe boxes. If the orthotics are unsuccessful in addressing your neuroma, Dr. Dunn typically turns to:
- Injections: Getting cortisone shots for pain relief
- Decompression surgery: Cutting a nearby ligament to relieve the pressure on the nerve
- Nerve removal surgery: In severe cases
To find out how you can relieve your neuroma symptoms, call or go online to make an appointment at PGA Foot & Ankle P.A.
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